But then you add in my middle name: Karnia. To my family and me, that's not so bad. To people I've met in the past, suddenly I'm not such an easy name to pronounce. All because I have a middle name that's part of a whole different language! Oh no! The horror!
Okay, now I'm just mocking people. But I have little stories about each part of my name, and I wanted to share with readers because I think they say something about how we go about treating things that we're unfamiliar with. I can't quite put exact words to it, but I'll do my best.
Let's start with June. Simple enough, right? It's the name of a month, people say it and spell it all the time. No problems there, right? WRONG.
See, when people are reading off my name, without a face to attach it to yet - such as while taking attendance in classes - they say my name just fine. But on quite a few occasions, I've told people in person that my name is June, and I get some variation of this:
"How do you spell that?" they ask tentatively. "Joon? Or is it spelled with a 'Ch'?"
"It's June. J-u-n-e, like the month?"
And then the light returns to their eyes. "Ohh," they say with relief. "Like the month."
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I've always thought this implies that they saw my non-whiteness and thought that I probably didn't have an "American" (read: white) name that was as simple as June. I guess I should appreciate the consideration that my name may be spelled a different way, but honestly I'm not too sure how I feel about that.
Once, a teacher was taking attendance and there were pictures of each student next to our names on the list. She came to my name and said, "Is it... Joon-uh? Joonie? Jun-eh?"
"June. Like the month," I replied, baffled.
Again, that spark of relief in her eyes that I've seen many times in others. Is it some sort of relief that my name isn't another foreign name to deal with? Is it relief that she doesn't have to make some sort of note in the margins of her attendance sheet on how to say it right? Should I be slightly offended by this? Does it have something to do with the association between my non-whiteness and my having a name that has its origins in Western civilization? I certainly don't have the answer to these questions.
Also as a sidenote: if you share a name with a month you will probably relate to this, but let me tell you that my entire life I've been the victim of many variations of the question "if your name is June, were you born in June?" and usually the asker will think it's the funniest/coolest thing when I say yes. Or people will ask "So if you were born in December, would your name be December?" to which I can't really give an answer. My dad liked the name June because he said it's a sunshine-y and overall great month because it's the month in which I was born, so...maybe?
If you've asked me one or both of these questions, I'm sorry if I seemed completely unamused; it's just that I've had this happen to me with almost every single person I've ever interacted with, so it gets
Moving on to my middle name: Karnia. This is a Khmer word meaning something like "lady" or "miss." It is kind of like a title one would use to refer to a young woman. The pronunciation is something like "kan-ee-ya" with an "a" like the one in "apple." The long "e" sound is quick and not stressed. Typically I just say the Americanized version of the name to save time and avoid spelling confusion, but that's purely my choice.
In elementary school I had two occurrences which have stayed with me my whole life regarding my middle name. One was where I told a small group of my classmates that simply and roughly translated, Karnia means girl. Naturally, my 7-year-old friends ran around the entire playground yelling "JUNE GIRL PEN!" and laughing. This went on for a week before it stopped being fun to them. I'm still haunted by the sound of girls giggling menacingly as they poked fun of my name.
Another time I remember was when I was telling my friends in fourth grade my middle name and one of them said "June CORN-ia Pen" and then proceeded to laugh as he taunted me with this new rendition of my name. "Are you a CORNY person, June CORN-ia Pen?"
I'm not sure how long that went on for, but I do remember being very exasperated!
Finally, we have Pen. I don't have many stories about it, only that a couple times people have told me I was spelling my last name wrong, that it should be "Penn." What they fail to realize is that it's not a name that has its origins in English. Technically, my last name is pronounced "Pai-en" (very smoothly, in one single syllable). It's not meant to be Penn as in William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, so no, I'm not spelling my name wrong!
What kind of blog post would this be if it didn't have a takeaway? Here's one final tidbit for you: my dad goes by Pen because he had so much trouble with people pronouncing his first name (Samnang) and got so sick of them saying it revoltingly wrong that he finally gave up and chose to go by simply Pen. It's even embroidered on his work uniform!
Often when we come across "ethnic" or "foreign-sounding" names we freak out and offer a shortcut or nickname or simply refuse to learn how to say it right. Some people, commonly immigrants, tell us to call them something else, and that's fine. But if someone chooses to go by their given name, it's very important to learn how to say it properly, no matter how difficult you think it is. It's the respectful thing to do.
My name is June Karnia Pen. People have asked me if I would want to choose a different name for myself, and I say no. I like my name; my parents chose a good one and I've grown to embrace it.
Do you have any funny or frustrating stories about your name? Comment below, I want to hear about it!
~ JP